Annual Report 2023

As we navigate the landscape of global logistics, it becomes increasingly evident that the sector plays a pivotal role in shaping our environmental footprint. Smart Freight Centre’s Annual Report 2023 arrives against the backdrop of pressing environmental concerns, where the logistics industry stands as a significant contributor to carbon emissions worldwide.


New members onboarded leading to 134 in total


Employees, of which 25 were onboarded


People trained through the two most renowned SFC trainings

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From Announcement to Action

Since its inception in 2013 ten years ago, Smart Freight Centre (SFC) has focused on a single mission: the decarbonization of freight in collaboration with shippers, logistic service providers, and carriers end-to-end and across modes. 2023 has seen the conversion of the Global Logistics Emission Council (GLEC) framework for freight emissions accounting and reporting into a new ISO standard. What started as a small expert group a decade ago, has become mainstream. Road freight, maritime, and aviation sectors – referred to as “hard-to-abate” only a few years ago– have become engaged in designing roadmaps and frameworks for action.

When we look forward, we see a shift in the global logistics sector “from announcements to action”. Member and funding growth is a promise and a show of trust in our organization. SFC is committed to delivering across all its programs and is grateful to our members and partners for their support, inspiration, and collaboration in impactful initiatives. We look forward to hearing your feedback and to deep collaboration where it counts.

Christoph Wolff, CEO, Smart Freight Centre

Achievements in numbers


Total Member organizations committed to Smart Freight Centre by a membership


Publications (co-)launched


New programs launched: Clean Air Transport and the Ship Recycling Transparency Initiative


New communities convened: the Book & Claim Community and the Fleet Electrification Coalition.

voluntary market based measures
Global Logistics Emissions Council Framework
LinkedIn post
voluntary market based measures
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