Smart Freight Centre China

About Smart Freight Centre China (SFCC)

Dedicated to accelerated Transformation of China's Freight Sector towards Zero Emissions.

Smart Freight Centre has been operating in China since 2014, with a view to understand how logistics emissions reductions need to be realized by multinational companies operating in emerging economies and given China’s logistics sector is a large and growing contributor to the global GHG emissions.

SFC China is well-positioned to carry out work in China because it has:

  • A dedicated purpose to make the freight sector in China more sustainable, with a particular focus on companies and decarbonization (in line with SFC globally).
  • Established good relationships with various government agencies, research institutes, industry associations and international NGOs in China.
  • Access to international SFC team members and partners/networks where needed.
  • An established team of 4 people, a China Expert Council with 10 experts, with three main workstreams.

SFCC consists of three workstreams:


The Smart Freight Shippers Alliance (SFSA) China is a group of shippers (or buyers of freight) who work together towards a compliant, efficient, and sustainable freight sector in China.


The Zero Emission Freight Initiative (ZEFI) supports freight transportation to achieve zero emissions and promotes China's transportation sector to achieve carbon peaking and carbon neutrality.

GLEC Framework Adoption in China

Introducing the GLEC Framework, the global method for the calculation and reporting of logistics emissions to China.
