
New Executive Director Appointed at Smart Freight Centre

Amsterdam, Monday 12 July 2021 - Smart Freight Centre Announces GIZ Mexico Project, working to support the local efforts of freight decarbonization in Mexico.

Through our extensive network, Smart Freight Centre’s goal is to support more than 100 multinationals to reduce their freight emissions by at least 30% from 2015, to reach net zero freight emissions by 2050. These more than 100 companies that started using the GLEC Framework in 2016 or 2017 have already collectively reduced and avoided well in excess of 6 million tonnes of CO2e until 2019.

Now Smart Freight Centre is heading to Mexico to support the local efforts of freight decarbonization by ensuring companies can continue to engage in national green freight initiatives. In the long term, companies will also engage with policy makers and other stakeholders.

The objective of this program will be achieved with the collaboration of the German Cooperative of Sustainable Development (GIZ) in Mexico and with the support of national programs like Transporte Limpio, and the Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT).

This project aims to support all road freight operators (carriers), logistics service providers and shippers with own road freight fleets in Mexico. The aim is to establish a tailor-made communication and training program for relevant road freight companies in Mexico, mostly medium and large-size companies.

The program proposed by Smart Freight Centre, will allow organizations in Mexico to:

  • Understand the Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC) Methodology, through the GLEC Framework e-training, which will provide appropriate frameworks for calculating and reporting emissions.
  • Apply efficient transport and logistics management within your organization, including actions on the equipment, fuel and facilities that organizations manage through the Smart Transport Manager Training Program. The objective of this program is to collaborate with those responsible for various logistics activities, to find the appropriate technologies and solutions applicable to the local market to reduce energy and emissions in their operations.

For more information, contact:

For more on GIZ's work in Mexico, go to the Ciudades y Transportes website.

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