Case Studies

Smart Freight Centre scales impact through collaboration with implementation partners

Amsterdam, 13 October 2021 - Smart Freight Centre announces working with implementation partners to reach more companies and scale impact.

Smart Freight Centre (SFC) announced today a new initiative to work with implementation partners - another practical step supporting companies with climate action to address freight transport emissions.

Companies are increasingly setting corporate net-zero climate targets and are ready to take action now towards decarbonizing their operations and supply chains. By establishing collaboration agreements, such as the one signed today with Allchiefs, SFC can help more companies to implement their roadmap to net-zero logistics. This further enables the implementation of practical solutions to decarbonize company supply chains.

“Working with our Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC), we’ve been helping companies calculate the GHG emissions from their freight and outsourced logistics operations. Best practice clearly points towards using a solid methodology before being able to set reduction objectives and targets. SFC recommends following these four simple steps: 1) Report emissions, 2) Set targets, 3) Reduce emissions by implementing concrete solutions, 4) Collaborate with partners and stakeholders through our GLEC Partnership.”

Olivier Corvez
Executive Director, Smart Freight Centre

“SFC will continue to focus attention on the reporting methodology and other initiatives associated with transparent reporting, collaboration platforms, training or validation (with ISO in perspective). Supporting organizations in tackling these issues and reducing their GHG emissions can be a lengthy process. Expanding our existing offer through formal partnerships with organizations such as Allchiefs will further assist more companies along their journey to decarbonize their operations and supply chain.”

“More and more companies are asking for support to help them at all stages of their journey, from learning how to calculate correctly through to reducing their emissions. I’m really pleased that we have reached agreement with Allchiefs to help broaden our outreach.” - Alan Lewis, Technical Director, Smart Freight Centre.

“For Allchiefs, Smart Freight Centre is a valuable partner to decarbonize global supply chains as they are the global center of decarbonizing freight and logistics. Together, we can accelerate climate action and support organizations in their journey towards net zero value chains. Through our partnership we can multiply our joint impact!”

Bonne Goedhart,
Lead climate change & sustainability, Allchiefs

By working in partnership with implementation and delivery partners, SFC can accelerate the uptake of more sustainable freight practices by companies worldwide, benefiting their bottom lines as well as contribute to our common climate goals of the Paris Agreement.

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