
The GLEC Framework is 5 years old today!

Amsterdam, 23 June 2021 - Celebrating 5 years since the Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC) developed the GLEC Framework: the only globally recognized methodology to calculate GHG emissions consistently across the multi-modal logistics supply chain.

Did you know over 120 companies are now using the GLEC Framework to calculate their emissions?

Companies that started using the GLEC Framework in 2016 or 2017 have now collectively reduced/avoided well in excess of 6 million tonnes of CO2e until 2019.

In other words, GLEC Partners that are using the GLEC Framework avoided the equivalent of 30,000 freight flights between Amsterdam and New York over three years.

Now that's something to celebrate!

Five quick steps to learn more about the GLEC Framework:

  1. Sign up here to stay tuned for our latest 60 second animation video, launched next month!
  2. Check out our GLEC e-training, which covers the essence of how to calculate and report emissions according to the GLEC Framework and why this is important.
  3. Find out about other multinational companies like you who are using the GLEC Framework, and what people are saying, on our GLEC 'Wall of Frame'! Is your company using the GLEC Framework, and do you want to see your logo up here? Just let us know!
  4. Learn more about SFC Accreditation and SFC Validation.
  5. For the most up to date list of our growing GLEC community – check out our GLEC Partnership page.
Screenshot 2023-06-15 102038

Photo: GLEC Framework Launch Event, 2016 - Europe


Photo: GLEC Framework Launch Event, 2016 - USA


Photo: GLEC Framework Launch Event, 2016 - Asia
