
The New GLEC Strategy for 2022-2024

Amsterdam, 24 November 2021 – GLEC Strategy reviewed and updated for the coming three year-period of 2022-2024. The publication includes some crucial changes to the current GLEC Membership structure.

A New 3-year GLEC Strategy

The Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC) was established in 2014. GLEC has now grown into a voluntary membership of more than 150 companies, industry associations and green freight programs, backed by experts, governments, and other stakeholders with a wide range of levels of engagement. To guide the GLEC, a 3-year strategy was previously established. Its initial focus was on spreading a globally recognized, harmonized methodolody for calculation of GHG emissions from freight transport operations. As the period for the last GLEC Strategy ends together with 2021, Smart Freight Centre has been working on formulating the strategy for the coming years.

GLEC Strategy Highlights

One important aspect to highlight is the change of the GLEC Membership structure. Up until now, the GLEC consisted of Members, Affiliates and Friends. Moving forward, there will be different types of memberships possible, according to companies’ needs, as well as a membership for green freight programs, associations and other types of organizations eager to be involved with GLEC.

Companies will be able to add a Training Package to their membership, allowing their staff to join a variety of e-trainings and (digital) classroom trainings on developing a Sustainable Logistics Roadmap and introducing the GLEC Framework. Current ‘GLEC Friends’ will become ‘SFC Friends’, being kept up-to-date on all relevant activities from Smart Freight Centre, such as Clean Cargo and the Sustainable Freight Buyers Alliance.

"Our new Strategy marks the next step in the ongoing evolution of GLEC as an industry partnership, focused on keeping the harmonized calculation and reporting of logistics up-to-date. It is particularly important, as we hope to emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic and the opportunity for in-person meetings feels more realistic. At the same time, the imperative to take action on reducing all GHG emissions becomes increasingly apparent.”

Alan Lewis
Technical Director, Smart Freight Centre
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Another key development is the intent to open the GLEC to a wider group of companies, being more inclusive for those who are new to logistics carbon accounting and reporting. This will broaden the number of competent companies and help the newcomers to move quickly to a position of active management (and hence reduction) of logistics GHG emissions.

GLEC Members are also in support of the new strategy, and are continuing to work towards emissions reduction targets by using the GLEC Framework:

“By following the GLEC Framework, we have a standardized way to measure our emissions data for scope 3 and then based on this data, use it to make green procurement business decisions, such as selecting more fuel efficient modes, routes and carriers and identifying ways to increase efficiency to support our Science Based Targets and our Customer CO2 reduction targets.”

Lindsay Zingg
Senior Director, Group Sustainability, DSV