
Tracks uses primary data to calculate CO2 emissions earning them SFC Accreditation

Berlin, Germany and Amsterdam, Netherlands, 29 April 2021 - Smart Freight Centre (SFC) announced today that Berlin-based Tracks GmbH is among the first SFC Accredited partners to utilize primary fuel consumption data to calculate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and report in accordance with the GLEC Framework.

Smart Freight Centre (SFC) has today announced the accreditation of Berlin-based Tracks GmbH as an SFC partner. Tracks utilizes primary fuel consumption data, enabling freight companies to calculate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and report in accordance with the GLEC Framework.

Tracks’ software measures real-time Scope 3 CO2 emissions in accordance with the globally recognized Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC) Framework for reporting. Tracks obtains primary data through a software-based direct access to vehicle on-board systems for road freight carriers. Tracks interfaces with the telematics computers in the trucks, so no hardware is required, and uses data in real-time for its results.

Tracks measures primary data Scope 3 emissions, that data is then used by companies to improve efficiency and reduce emissions. Scope 3 emissions are the indirect emissions that occur in a company’s value chain and thus the most difficult to measure. Tracks’ real-time, primary data reporting works seamlessly within the GLEC Framework, itself in alignment with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, the UN-led Global Green Freight Action Plan and CDP reporting.

Tracks’ accreditation today by SFC is encouraging for companies that have made a commitment to act responsibly and start accurately measuring their CO2 emissions. Tracks’ software gives these companies a simple solution to manage, measure and mitigate Scope 3 CO2 emissions, empowering everyone in the value chain to reach their climate goals.

SFC is a global non-profit organization established to reduce the impact of global freight through increased transparency and collaboration. GLEC is a voluntary partnership of over 150 companies, experts and associations that together have developed global, harmonized guidelines for reporting and reducing logistics emissions.

The SFC Accreditation of GLEC compliant tools and programs is part of SFCs advocacy work around industry-standards to report and reduce emissions.

Tracks will continue to work together with SFC and GLEC in support of SFC’s goals of driving the adoption of a universal and transparent method of calculating freight emissions across the global supply chain.

“We have made it much easier for companies to act responsibly, and our accreditation by Smart Freight Centre shows that Tracks will help to inform business decisions and steer efforts to reduce emissions by calculating CO2 within the globally recognized GLEC Framework.”

Jakob Muus
CEO, Tracks

“It’s great to welcome Tracks to the group of organizations accredited by SFC to calculate emissions following the GLEC Framework. This is a further vital step in the harmonization of GHG calculations for logistics. In particular, the links between the primary data collected by trucks and the GHG calculation provided by Tracks is an important opportunity.”

Alan Lewis
Technical Director, Smart Freight Centre