GLEC Framework Adoption in China

Implementation Plan

With support from the Hewlett Foundation, we have a 2 year implementation plan with the purpose of introducing the GLEC Framework in China. This includes developing and piloting the China part emission factors and default factors with accredited tools available in China:

Gap Analysis Study

This study is to make cases for cooperate leaders to invest in sustainable logistics reporting and calculation. We position logistics decarbonization within the bigger corporates’ net-zero goals, with a focus on introducing sustainable logistics roadmap and zero emission freight vehicles.

Develop a harmonized methodology, emission factors and transport default data to update the GLEC/ISO Framework

We work together with key partners from the Chinese logistics industry including the government think tanks and industry standardization institutions.

To develop default emission factors and default data that are applicable to the Chinese market.

Pilot calculating logistics emissions with potential GLEC members in China.

Communication and capacity building activities

Activities aimed towards communication and capacity building

GLEC China Publications

GLEC Framework for Logistics Emissions Accounting and Reporting version 3.0 Chinese

Freight transportation and logistics activities currently contribute 8‒10% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and demand for freight transport is expected to almost triple by 2050, according to the International Transport Forum.To meet the Climate Targets of the United Nations’ Paris Agreement, it is crucial to improve the efficiency of freight transport and reduce transport-related emissions. A concerted global effort is necessary to achieve goals. The GLEC Framework v3 supports you in your efforts and contribution to reaching these goals.

China Default GHG Emission Values V1.0

This document provides the 1st version of the default values for “well-to-wheel” (WTW) fuel emission factors and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission intensity for China road transport. It is developed by Smart Freight Centre China and Technical Partners, following the basic requirements of ISO 14083 and GLEC Framework v3.0. It provides a summary of the default values, as well as a brief description of the methodologies, sources, and gap analysis.

Get involved!

Multinational companies that are interested to hear more about how to adopt the GLEC Framework in China can contact SFC China office:
