What is CLEVER?

The CLEVER (Creating Legitimate Emission Factors for Verified Emission Reduction) project aims to tackle a critical obstacle in calculating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the transport sector: the development of reliable and standardised greenhouse gas (GHG) emission factors.

The focus is to develop a cross-cutting methodology that leads to standardized emission factors that cover various transport modes, fuels (both new and conventional), and production methods. These factors will encompass the entire energy lifecycle, from production to end use, and will offer clearer guidelines for calculating and accounting GHG emissions across all modes of transport.

The CLEVER Framework

The CLEVER framework introduces a robust, cross-cutting methodology that ensures a consistent calculation of emissions factors that will incorporate:


Multi-stakeholder approach

This innovative initiative brings together a consortium of leading experts and stakeholders.



A comprehensive review of existing emission factors and methodologies, identifying and integrating scientific advancements.


New GHG emission factors

Development of new GHG emission factors that reflect the full energy lifecycle of fuels used in transportation.

SFC's role

Smart Freight Centre is coordinating the technical aspects of the project and linking the technical content of emission factors more closely to the needs of the users, whether they are fuel producers, transport operators, customers of transport services, calculation tools, policy makers / legislators, emission reporting platforms or verification bodies. 

As a technical partner, Smart Freight Centre is responsible for: the gap analysis, the end user guidance to support use of the recommended methodology, developing training on emission factors, instigating first steps on standardisation of emission factor methodologies, as well as contributing to many other tasks.

Consortium members

CLEVER is setting the foundation for industry-wide changes and positions itself at the forefront of refining greenhouse gas (GHG) emission calculations in the transport sector, a critical step in meeting Paris Climate Agreement targets.

Join us in driving a sustainable future ensuring that the transport sector's carbon footprint is measured accurately and managed effectively. Follow our channels and sign up to our newsletter to stay up to date on our latest developments.

Funded by the European Union

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement N° 101146908.
