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ZEFI organized a workshop focusing on the solutions and challenges of charging battery electric heavy-duty trucks for medium and long haul road transportation
Jun 20, 2023

Beijing, P.R.China, 10 November 2022 - Zero Emission Freight Initiative (ZEFI) organized a workshop focusing on the solutions and challenges of charging battery electric heavy-duty trucks for medium and long haul road transportation in Beijing. About 100 representatives from government think tanks, OEMs, charging and swapping technology facilities suppliers, highway infrastructure operators, and power companies attended the workshop online and offline

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Smart Freight Centre at COP27
Jun 20, 2023

Amsterdam, 7 November 2022 - Join Smart Freight Centre in person or virtually at COP27

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Smart Freight Centre implements a new membership structure to foster one platform with targeted solutions for all its members
Jun 20, 2023

Amsterdam, 13 October 2022 - Smart Freight Centre launches a new membership structure to allow for more knowledge sharing and collaboration across our communities and initiatives. From now on, members get to choose between a Premium or Base membership, bringing all of Smart Freight Centre’s initiatives to one platform and making its solutions accessible for all members.

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Zero Emission Freight Initiative (ZEFI) officially launched at the 2022 Zero Emission Medium and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Forum
Jun 20, 2023

Beijing, P.R. China, 26 August 2022 - Today, Smart Freight Centre (SFC) China officially launched ZEFI (Zero Emission Freight Initiative) at the Zero Emission Medium and Heavy Duty Vehicle Forum World New Energy Vehicle Congress 2022 in China

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Smart Freight Centre launches set of reports that cover the full supply chain impact of biofuels: from production to its emission factors
Jun 20, 2023

Amsterdam, 11 August 2022 - Today, we launch a set of reports that cover the full value chain of biofuels, its impact and how the logistics industry can leverage this alternative fuel. The main goal is to present the available information on biofuels in a way that is useable for providers and purchasers to reach their GHG emission reduction goals

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Decarbonizing ocean container transportation: Smart Freight Centre publishes 2021 Clean Cargo global average greenhouse gas emission intensities
Jun 19, 2023

Amsterdam, 30 June 2022 - Smart Freight Centre releases the 2021 Clean Cargo Global Ocean Container Greenhouse Gas Emission Intensities report. This annual report is one way that Clean Cargo supports transparent tracking of the greenhouse gas emissions associated with ocean containerized cargo transportation.

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Learn more about our Develop Your Sustainable Logistics Roadmap Training: Interview with participants Ibrahim and Piotr from DP World
Jun 19, 2023

Amsterdam, 29 June 2022 - Ibrahim and Piotr from DP World share their insights after attending Smart Freight Centre's 'Develop your Sustainable Logistics Roadmap (SLR) training'.

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Public Comment Period For Smart Freight Centre Framework to incentivize freight transportation greenhouse gas emission reduction activities
Jun 19, 2023

Amsterdam, 18 May 2022 - Alliance launches with members, including HP Inc., Nestlé, PepsiCo, P&G and Unilever committed to working together with cargo buyers, freight forwarders and freight initiatives to scale freight decarbonization projects for an emissions-free future.

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Leading multinationals embark on accelerating freight decarbonization in the Sustainable Freight Buyers Alliance
Jun 16, 2023

Amsterdam, 18 May 2022 - Alliance launches with members, including HP Inc., Nestlé, PepsiCo, P&G and Unilever committed to working together with cargo buyers, freight forwarders and freight initiatives to scale freight decarbonization projects for an emissions-free future.
